Trust a whore as an expert on sexual awareness?

"I trust scientists"... Would you trust a whore as an expert on sexual awareness?
By larrydalooza on April 8, 2009 3:38 PM Link
More applicable to the IPCC imo.

Groundbreaking Study Puts Real-World Numbers Behind The Promise of "Green Jobs" Link

The Dutch Government is to scrap from July 1 its air passenger ticket [green] tax Link

Wind power is a complete disaster Link

[UK] Government urged to act now to save offshore wind ambitions Link

Testimony of John Coleman before the Subcommittee on National Parks,
Forests and Public Lands of the Committee on Natural Resources of the United States Congress Link

DeSmogBlog could’ve flattened The Skeptics Handbook in just one sentence.
All they had to do was point to empirical evidence that more CO2 forces temperatures up. They can’t and everything else is bluster and bluff. Link

Global Warming: A Classic Case of Alarmism Link

Dr. B. Peiser got an e-mail:

Hello Benny,
We should congratulate this week Time Magazine’s cover story about global warming (10 pages entitled: Vanishing act: How Climate change is causing a new age of extinction).
It rightly explains that AGW have been killing dwarf hippopotamus in Madagascar (some thousand years ago) as well as elephant bird (around year 1600), and is nowadays killing Sumatran Tigers, Javan Rhinoceros, Grant Pandas, Polar bears (whose number has recently doubled) and about every other living creature on earth.

This is fair and honest information at its best.

Christian Gerondeau
75017 PARIS

Antarctic sea ice (and its albedo effect) increased 30% Link

All of the active military buoys show significant thickening ice over the past six months to a year, as seen below. Link

NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies used a computer model to investigate how sensitive different regional climates are to changes in levels of carbon dioxide, ozone, and aerosols.
They found that Earth’s middle and high latitudes are particularly responsive to changes in aerosol levels. The model suggests aerosols likely account for 45 % or more of the warming measured in the Arctic since 1976. Link

According to the University of Illinois, Antarctic sea ice area is nearly 30% above normal and the anomaly has reached 1,000,000 km2. Link

Medieval Warm Period Rediscovered Link

Oil Sheiks Demand Climate Billions Link

Look I can use made up data just like Gavin (GISS modeller and chief propangandist at realclimate. com) Link

Calculating the Climatic Impacts of Increased CO2: The Issue of Model Validation Link


Gordy favours leccy cars. We are facing blackouts due to lack of new power plants and he is seeking to increase the load on the limited supply we have.
Someone buy him a Scalextrix set and put him in a padded room somewhere where he can't hurt himself or harm others.

I-site or myt are blocking servers. It is a hassle I don't need to circumvent their censorship so reluctantly, after correcting the last post there, I will restrict my posting mainly to my real blog. If anything of particular note happens, I will make the effort but apart from that, anyone that is interested in seeing the AGW nonsense for what it is can continue to read my rants on a real blog:


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